Our full inspections include thermal imaging scanning
Unique features about our inspections are that we report on fire and safety issues such as means of egress, fire extinguishers and...

Wind Mitigation Inspections
When considering a wind mitigation inspection, keep in mind that there are 7 criteria that insurance companies look for in order to...
Post Irma message
Most residents have power back and things are starting to go back to "normal" Gas at the pumps, restaurants buzzing with customers and...
Assessment time - after a storm
Power has been restored but there is still much cleaning to do. Good to see neighbors helping each other out. When all is said and done,...

Relative Humidity - The key to comfort
Relative humidity plays an important role in being comfortable and having a possibly dangerous living environment. It is recommended by...
Means of Egress
Means of egress is the way people will go in and out of a space such as a restaurant, store and your home. It is important because the...